The Makhanda Circle of Unity's (MCU) needs as a client lay in website building. My work in strategic communications situated in the education cluster of the MCU. I tried and failed to incorporate work with the education cluster on mental health and an out-the-box idea to walk from Makhanda to Zimbabwe to raise funds for Wi-Fi in Makhanda's no-fee paying schools. Issues were raised in the education cluster meeting and I followed up with meetings with various students tacking mental health in their 4th year journalism studies. I wrote article on Khaya Tantsi and his work toward bridging the digital divide, I had to shelf the idea of walking to be pursued a little later in my life. As I underestimated the work to be done on website building, and the site orientation (to be able to build the website) occurred two weeks before client presentation; the focus was to really get to grips with the website.
Strategic plan
Click the window and begin to scroll the outlined plan for the work I completed with the Makhanda Circle of Unity (MCU). Of the three projects undertaken only the MCU website was successfully completed, that work is displayed in the client presentation below.
Client presentation
At the conclusion of our strategic communications course, the MCU team presented our completed work to the client, Sakhe Ntlabezo, programme manager in the MCU. Below are the slides that outline the scope of completed work.